Saturday 25 May 2013


Hey Chocoland~

I'm back again, more alive this time. OMG I just realised the last time I updated was on 7th May. That was like... OMFG 2 weeks ago? I just peeked at Holly's blog and it seems that girl has been on the ball quite frequently. Lol, although her posts are usually rants (Yes, Holly, I have been reading your blog) but they're so funny. Way to rock the GIFs, girl. ;) To anyone (Yes I hope someone reads my blog), try and find Holly's blog.

Ahhh this past few weeks have been quite hectic. All the assignments and tasks are going to be due next week and eeee~ I haven't started on a freaking one. Haizz... I'm screwed. Besides, I had another camp, this time in school for 2 days and 1 night. Can you believe it? We were only released at 8pm on Saturday. My mommy and my big bro came over to Orchard to accompany me home since it was so late at night and mommy was concerned about my safety. Maybe she's worried about me getting raped or something... Hmmm... Anyways, it was sibei gan dong, okay?

Urgghhh! Freaking annoying shit. This stupid Google thinghy keeps popping up and asking me to log in again cause it seems that I "have logged out of another location". Da shit?  LOG OUT SIMI SAI LAHH! I was typing all along, expect me how to log out? Dumb Google Blogger... =.=

Asshole Google... =.=

Anyways, I wanna talk about the camp. It was an overnight camp and I tell you, sleeping on the floor is not fun! Especially, when your sleeping bag is not even that well cushioned, and you're sleeping beside someone like Holly. HOLLY ARRR, I NEVER TELL IN SCHOOL CAUSE I DON'T WANT TO EMBARRASS YOU BUT WHY U NO STOP KICKING ME?! >:(

No, Holly,  just no.

Anyways, the camp was not as hard as I imagined it to be. Sure, I wasn't looking forward to any part of it, but the bunk cleaning wasn't that bad. Hah Hah, all because I'm not the bunk IC. But then again, it might not be that scary, because the seniors didn't exactly scream like there's no tomorrow at us. I mean, standing outside and trying to stay still and not fidget was tiring, but I'm sure I'm not tired to the point that I can't hear when they shout. They just didn't shout as much as last year. Considering they are a different batch of seniors, they might be launching a different attack at us. Haha. Lol. The trick was to speak softly so that the Bunk IC would be like, OMG I can't hear her when she speaks so softly, therefore, I must pay attention. And then they say things like, "We are scolding for your own good... We don't want you all to sleep in a dirty bunk etc. etc." As wretched as it sounds, it worked, at least on our Bunk IC... Poor Jomma (Haha. J + Momma) <-- All because Jomma acts like our mom. :)

Anyway, the lineup of the activities were like: First, fall in in the usual fall-in area, report to seniors, uniform check etc. Then after like 45 minutes of standing there and stoning, we went to place our bags in our bunks. OK I swear I learnt another lesson. Last year, I brought too many bags. This year, I brought too little bags (like 1 hugeeee one?) and the only bag I carried ended up being to heavy for me. =.= Next year, I vow to carry one hand-carry bag and one backpack. 

Then, we had field cooking. Field cooking was surprisingly laid-back, like always. All we do is sit there and figure how to light up the solid fuel. It's not easy, okay? I lost count of how many matches I stroke which went off way too early. I don't understand!! (Cue: I don't understand song and dance) Isn't  combustion possible because of the OXYGEN in the air? If so, match, Y U GO OFF SO QUICKLY? Haizz, anyway we managed to light up one solid fuel from scratch. The other one borrowed the spark from the first solid fuel. Yay. Then we makan!! I wasn't hungry... The Part A beside me didn't look hungry too and in the end we finished eating really quickly. We had instant noodles and canned mushrooms and sardines. Eww sardines... I didn't eat any sardine, but unfortunately, I dropped one mushroom... :( Poor mushroom, rolling on the ground, no longer edible. Haha, anyway, since we were field cooking and the food was to be divided, I asked if anyone was saliva conscious. 

Me: Nobody's saliva conscious here, right?
Part A: ._. Ummm.... Can I take first, then?
Me: *thinking* Girl, you can't afford to be salive conscious in NCC! Damn! I mean, I WAS saliva conscious, but I got over it. Heh.

Anyway, the Part D was like, "Hey you two are not eating a lot (me and Part A). Do you want some more?
Part A: *shakes head*
Me: No.
Part D: You sure? *suspicious look*
Me: No.
Part D: Okay. ._. You guys should eat more. You're eating too little, that's why you're so tiny.

Part D: Don't look so offended...

Hahah totally random moment. I bet she was scared of meh. 

Anyways, we moved on to bunk cleaning next. Bunk cleaning was a CHORE. An IMPOSSIBLE chore, and man I can't emphasise how impossible it is. Firstly, we had to put the extra tables and chairs (meaning the number of tables and chairs exceeding 30) in the classroom below ours. Stupiak! Will it kill you to sleep with more tables? No! Then, we had to clean the fans, the windows, everywhere, in like 20 minutes? Let's just say we don't have a lot of people. =.= Bloody freaking torture moment. The dust keeps coming back. To cut the long story short, we got scolded a lot, well, the Bunk IC did... But anyway, we were sent to pumping position... All of it started when:

<outside bunk>
We were falling in and listening to the minimal times the Bunk IC was screamed at. Suddenly, a bang on the table was heard. The Mam'n comes out. 

Mam'n: Your Bunk IC is on pumping position now. What should you do?
Holly: Permission to join Bunk IC, Mam'n!
Mam'n: Carry on.

Basically, it was a series of blunders and wrong moves in the bunk. I stumbled on my words and even asked the wrong person! =.= In the end, we did like 12 pushups. Haha I didn't do properly, but at least I attempted to go as low as possible. :D

After bunk cleaning, we went for a toilet break and we were worried about Jomma cause she was crying, but she explained to us it was because their soft and meaningful words made her feel guilty. Yes, Jomma was the Bunk IC, lol. Anyway, we went to shower and it was so relaxing. The bathrooms in our school had sensor-lights and if they don't detect any motion for like, 5 minutes, they would automatically turn of. Jomma, being the most efficient of all of us, even in showering, was finishing up when I was only washing my hair. WTF? Then the lights went of, and just as planned, somebody suggested we should start singing. Haha. My bunch of friends, even Jomma were afraid of the dark and we planned to sing if the lights went off, but unfortunately haven't decided on a song yet. Lol. Jomma finished and went out and exclaimed, "Let there be light!!" and lights flooded the room. Haha. 

Anyway, we couldn't sleep just yet. Our seniors wanted to explain something about orienteering to us. We didn't quite understand at first, but thankfully, everything was clear at the end of the day. That night, we slept at 11pm. All the time before 11pm and after the seniors finished teaching us orienteering was spent revising for the tests the next day. I could sense I was screwed as I didn't revise my stuff beforehand, unlike last year. I was kinda at a loss as I didn't bring my full notes. I had to borrow from my platoonmates but they were revising too... So...

The next day, we had PT first thing in the morning. Thank goodness we only ran like 2 rounds? It was due to the fact that the Part Cs arrived later and therefore we were delayed. PT was alright. It was supposed to give us an appetite but I didn't feel that hungry. I ate one slice of bread with Nutella. Me, being a genius, opened the seal so perfectly. But what I saw inside wasn't perfect. Apparently, the oil separated from the Nutella. Talk about bad emulsifier. :D My part took a bloody long time to use the spread. I was the last, kay? Before I even spread the Nutella, the Part D seniors came over and asked if they could have the spread, but then they saw that I haven't finished spreading, so they were like, "Hurry up, hurry up! >:(" Being the nice person I am, I spread it quickly and even brought the spread over to the Part D's table. Sergeant Major was like, "Thank you!" *smiles, and says thank you in a sweet voice* I nearly forgot she was scary for a moment there.

Anyway, we had our drills test next. Drills test was alright, nothing too difficult. Considering we had a small number of people, the test did not take a long time, but they allowed everyone around 15 minutes to be the timer, and everyone a chance to be IC. It was basically like normal training. Our part could do it quite well. To me, if you take normal training seriously, you'll find that the test is actually very similar to normal trainings. 

Next, we settled at the canteen for 50 minutes of revision time for IFC practical. IFC was horrible!! I couldn't remember some things and due to that, it was a series of awkward silences between me and staff and sergeant. They were like, "Can you remember the 7 factors of ..." And I was like, " ._. Umm... <awkward silence> I think.... <Another awkward silence>" After like 3 minutes, staff was like,  "Okay okay, forget about that question. You did okay." And from there, I knew I was quite doomed. The rest was okay, until I forgot something again... It was basically the theory part. My practical aspect was quite good to me. :D 'A' for good effort!

Next, we had our written tests. They were quite alright. I was really glad that we did not have GNK (General NCC Knowledge). For all I know, I failed that test last year. Lol. 

Then, we went for an hour of orienteering. Yay! It was super fun, but super annoying and tiring at the same time. Oh, that feeling of satisfaction when you actually find the sticker you're supposed to find. :D I personally found like 4 of the stickers! One was under a light switch, 1 was on a poster's tiny logo, 1 was on a wall on the furthest end of the school and the last one was under the rock wall. :D Holly was being really encouraging and saying, "You're a genius at finding stuff!" In the end, we didn't find all. The first one which we attempted to find was too difficult to find, so we gave up. Haha. It turns out we are actually quite good. We marked the points of the map really accurately and therefore, we didn't even find any fake ones. The seniors placed several fake stickers but because we were so accurate, we didn't venture to the wrong spot. :) Then, the seniors just had to say something like, "Our school has been getting the Top 3 positions so far in the orienteering competition. Maybe you guys can be the first batch to be the first to finish!" And deep inside, I was just hoping we manage to get into the top 3 so as to maintain the standard our previous seniors set. 

Holly thought the same and she told us, "I hope our opponents, the guys especially, are all fat and cannot run!" LOL that was Holly kinda at her best. 

Then all the fun ended as we had to do area cleaning. We cleaned the toilets... The toilets which were used for showering... =.= You simply cannot imagine the amount of hair near the drains. We had to ensure that there was no hair and that the sink did not have any stains. Oh gosh, thank goodness we got it really clean on the first try. Yay.

Then we had bunk cleaning again. This time, it wasn't as strict. Basically, we were given 30 minutes to change into our formal uniform and revert the classroom to the way it was before our camp. Huh, if we were to revert it to the condition it was before we used it, I would have brought all the dust (if I could) and scatter it around the classroom. HMPH! Also, all the tables had to be carried back up. Thankfully, the classroom in which we put the tables and chairs were locked, so we need not carry them back up. :P Haha in your face, ATC! Once again, Part Bs for the win! We cleaned the classroom well enough. 

Finally, nearing the end of camp, we had photo taking. Our part was really really sad. We had so little people that we didn't even look like a platoon. Anyway, we had a short AAR session. Seniors talked to us about a lot of things and they even asked questions like: Who's normally the loudest one? We don't really know if it's your default face, but you guys seemed quite dejected and demoralised when we scolded you guys. 

Haha. The seniors described us like we were animals. Jomma is a cat, Holly, I dunno. DeeDee's a dinosaur and me... Ugh they didn't say anything. Hng! Anyway, dinner time was after the short AAR session. But I think it wasn't really necessary. I mean, wouldn't it be better if they released us early so that we can go eat dinner ourselves? With our family? At ease? Without having to gather by decided time? Haizz... Anyway, we went home after that. LOL So anticlimatic. 

I went back to my classroom to sort out my bag and pack it nicely. Apparently, my brother and my mother were already there. They helped my carry my bags and we took transport home together. So touching. *sniff sniff* But they were irritated lol. They said that the bus came 4 times, but they were all full. My mom managed to squeeze in on the 4th bus while my brother, the 5th. It was really absurd, really. The bus my brother got on was so empty that you could run in it and not hit anything, or anyone, while the 4th bus was crowded and my mother even got a minor scrape from the bus door. =.= Stupid bus. 

Ahh, that would be the end of my super long post. Uhh, I haven't added much GIFs here, but I shall find some time soon to do that. 

Bye ChocoLand!
<3 Mirai

Tuesday 7 May 2013



Today, I spent my time going through tumblr posts and downloading funny gifs. I'm saving some for the future when I post something and want to add gifs to it. Inspiration from Holly. Thanks~~

Anyway, this one is quite mind-blowing... Like I don't understand how it's freaking possible. >:(

I. Don't. Understand. ._.

Heehee. Holly, you watching this?

Anyway, Holly, here's something I found.

Psshhhh... :D


Byes for now. Super short post though. :D

Mirai <3