Friday 9 August 2013

New blog post after such a long time...


Haha what is this?! I haven't uploaded in such a long time. LOL the period for PTs are over, and I'm free as a bird! Anyways, since my life is so damn boring every single time, I shall blog about something that is different from the usual. 2 days ago, our school had the National Day celebrations. Happy Birthday Singapore. LOL today's National Day but whateves.

So, on the day of celebrations, all the uniformed groups in our school had to get 16 people from their CCA to march in the supporting contingent while a few others for the flag party and Guard Of Honour. So well, since I'm only a Part B, I was involved in my first time in the supporting contingent... Well, actually it's the second time since the first time was in HQ NCC during the Change of Command parade. Sheesh, it was raining and if I'm not wrong I was happy. =.=

Anyway, so there I was, waking up at freaking 4:45am in the morning because I had to reach school at freaking 6:30am in school so they can check our uniform and watch us eat breakfast, like WTH? I can understand that they didn't want anybody to faint during the parade, but they freaking asked us to go there early to EAT BREAKFAST!! Can't they believe that we will do whatever we can i.e. eat breakfast ourselves in the comfort of our home, to prevent ourselves from fainting? Even if we don't take precautions like that, don't they think that our parents will urge us to eat? But anyways, the bread was nice... so... I guess I wasn't that angry HAHA. Hey, you know what? I stayed up late to polish my No.3 shoes so that they were bling bling okays? They looked so freaking good! I was so glad that I finally polished my shoes till they looked shiny. Now I know how to polish my shoes properly lol. I still remember all the previous times where I tried to polish my shoes and I didn't put much water and they looked like some dull shit lol.

Anyways, so i guess I didn't sleep too early cause I was busy 1) polishing my shoes (Took freaking 2 hours and it was only the tip of both shoes?!) and 2) I was busy catching up on the videos I couldn't watch those few days. HAHA Anyway, we had the parade and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, simply because the speeches weren't that long. I mean, I swore the National Day speech wasn't more than 5 minutes? And the Guest of Honour's speech had nothing to do with National Day? She simply spoke about her school life and the wonderful memories and the nostalgic feeling of walking back into the school campus where she spent her 4 valuable and memorable years with her beloved classmates, and how the feeling of a big and bonded family welcoming her. LOL

Anyway, the end of parade... We went back to class and changed into our own clothes. Well, I didn't bother bringing any home clothes since I don't wear them to school. You never know, you might get judged really badly. So I wore my house shirt (since it was red) and culottes. HAHA how original, just like last year. After that, we went to the mini-amphitheatre and spent about 30minutes watching the performances of the Year 4 classes until it started raining lol. Everybody was scrambling off their feet and running for shelter while the poor class performing on the stage while it started raining persevered on and continued despite the rain until their performance ended. Everybody was clapping and cheering on for them. :)

So we had to go to some sheltered area to watch the live broadcast from the hall. We went to the CLC. And guess what, they were playing that horrible 2013 NDP song, going Oh~~~~~~ like STFU IDK why the Sec 1s and other classes were so enthu about singing the song. Sigh... I know! They must be mocking it! I know I sound very mean, but seriously, when I heard the NDP 2013 song for the first time, I was like Please, I pray anything that's holy and beautiful in this world, tell me that this isn't the 2013 NDP song!! NOOOO!!! The rest of the time in the CLC was left for the singing of the previous NDP songs. I really like "Reach out for the stars", "My Island Home", "Where I belong", "Home" and etc. After that, nearly the whole school left while me, Holly, Jomma and DeeDee stayed in class after borrowing some Sec 1's class MacBook charger (of course, with their permission). Haha guess what, we were playing IB! Well, I practically forced Holly to play since she was so full of herself (no offense, Holly, I know you're reading this... Well, maybe I intended offense :P) and said that, "Ib is not scary! I know where the jumpscares are already! I watched you play it before already! -3-" Well, Holly, did your words bite your ass? >:) I still have all your recorded reactions in my MacBook!

Haha I swear, Jomma and I were laughing at both DeeDee's and Holly's reactions. We should get together and play more games like this, except that we should find some game that neither Jomma nor I have played before. FYI, the games that I have done reviews on, were played by Jomma too. :) RPG Horror Games FTW!

Anyway, just being random, hot guys picture time!!!  Ahhh all the bishies, I can't stand it anymore. This may look like they're out of an anime or something, but they're not. :P They're from the otome games by Voltage. Geniusess!!!

Here we have Takasama Saeki. I think I'm gonna start spewing rainbows.


And now we have Shibasaki Ren!! Holly, this is just like Hakuouki. If you watch Hakuouki, you'll get guys like this too~~ Ahh, Ren in a Shinsengumi uniform. <3

Ahem... Sorry...

Dun dun dun... Kougami Yamato! *faints*
I think Holly is embarrassed to be aquainted with me. Ah well...

Yuta Yuta Yuta Yuta Yuta YUTA!!! ANKFGSC

Yay, Takao! Yep, he's supposed to be holding your hand. 

Okays *clears throat* I really should stop. Stop, Mirai!!! Anyway, these CGs are from this Voltage game called My Forged Wedding. So basically, the main character, i.e. you, came to Tokyo and is in search for a job. She askes her "uncle" for help and he says that he would give her a job only if she chooses one of those guys and helps them. He didn't tell her what to help him with, though. It seemed that each guy has some problem and only you have the power to help them, lol (sounds cheesy). I like their routes, it's all really sweet, especially Ren's. He's so quiet and reserved and so cute when he opens up to you. <3 His route is really unique too, kinda reminds he of Be my Princess (Another game by Voltage). 

Ahaha, Holly, who will you chose???


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