Friday 21 June 2013

Horror RPG Marathon (1) - Ib

Hey Hey

The holidays are ending soon with only 1 week left to go. :( Anyways, I've set out to play some Horror RPG (Role Playing Games) games and they are really a good way to pass time and have fun as well as scare the shit out of you. Anyway, Holly recently posted something super duper emotional and sappy in a post talking about relationships. Haha! What a love doctor. Hmm... Was 'Imma Love Doctor' the title of the post? I think so...

Anyway, this can get quite long and boring and emotional and whatever I'm feeling right now. I'm sure at one point in your life, you've watched PewDiePie's videos... No? Well, shame on you. Pewds is awesome! Thinking about it, I might as well become a fellow bro. :D Anyways, Pewds plays many games and posts them on YouTube and I watch some of them, well RPGs mostly because I don't like games like Amnesia which are too life-like and too gory and whatever. So, I basically downloaded quite a number of games that can be downloaded (LOL) and tried to play them. And yes, as much as I'd like to say otherwise, Apple is a stubborn and spoilt bitch. It takes so much work to download external softwares to play Windows games and some don't even work. Geezers, I downloaded like, Crossover, Winebottler etc. and so far only Crossover works. Therefore, I decided, enough is enough! Mirai disapproves of games with no Mac versions! Oh pish posh, who am I kidding? The best games are only available on Windows.... including my otome games. :(

Anyways, shit I'm getting out of topic. Haizz... Excuse me... *Mentally pictures Holly staring back with a "You are excused" face. HAHA* I downloaded the games: Ib, Mad Father, Misao and The Witch's House.

I've played Ib before, last year to be exact. I went over to a friend's house and we spent hours creeping ourselves out trying to play Ib and get all the endings, lol. Ib has a marvellous plot, characters and although RGP maker is probably not the best software out there to make RPGs since they come up like totally pixelised crap, it still works. :D I'll tell you why I love it so much. Brace yourself, spoilers up ahead and totally long paragraph(s) coming up...

Ib starts off with an innocent and harmless plot. It's about a girl, Ib, of about age 10 (I'm not too sure about the age... and unfortunately was too lazy to find out. :P) and her parents going to an art museum for an outing. Heh. Who thinks museums are scary? Well, you'd be doomed if you're Ib. Anyway, Ib wanders around the museum, and accidentally finds a large mural of a dark world. Well, she tries (ermm... the player) tries to go back to the area of the museum where it was more crowded, only to find that all the people have vanished and there isn't even any music playing in the background. =.= Only your footsteps... So, you have no choice but to jump down this realistic street art (you know? The awesome ones you find in 9gag? :D) of water and you enter this world. You walk around to discover that while you walk away from the entrance, it vanishes when you try to find it... You have no way out. You have to go on. 

Anyway, that's the starting. It hasn't ended, peeps. Ib finds a red rose that shall accompany her for the rest of her journey in the dark world. The rose becomes her life force. When all the petals fall out (her rose has 5 petals) she dies and it's game over. There are vases along the way that she can put the rose in to make the rose "recover". The game is mostly scary due to its graphics (things like dolls and moving paintings) and the heart-stopping jump scares, e.g. the vase falling off when you walk past it etc. Anyway, now to the emo part.

As we all know, Ib is just a young girl. Imagine yourself as Ib, young and defenseless and going through all this shit and paintings chasing you and whatever. Seriously, who wants that kind of adventure? It doesn't help that you can get trapped in the dark world forever? Hell to the no! But if there's a protective knight in shining armour accompanying me and there's a chance the both of us can escape, then maybe. Keyword: maybe. So that's what happens. You get Garry, a guy who is 18 and honestly too old for a young girl like Ib, so I'd say he cares for her like a brother instead of a potential lover. So you go through all this stuff and whatever you do affects your ending with Garry. You want to save him, don't you? But what happens if your beloved brother dies in the process, leaving you all alone? Garry has a rose too, a blue rose, and he'll die if his rose reaches zero. And then there's a girl called Mary. A sweet, childish blonde girl who also has a rose, this time yellow, and she meets you. She's just like a sister. So here's what happens. You find out that Mary isn't actually a human. Unlike Garry who is a human being sucked into the dark world, Mary is a girl come alive from a painting. In the dark world, paintings and even mannequins come alive, so it's no doubt that Mary was able to get out. In truth, she is a lonely girl who likes visitors, but wishes much to become a real girl and be loved. Garry was the one who tells you that Mary is a painting and from that point, you are at a crossroad. Will you choose Mary or Garry?

There are several endings. One is that you've chosen Mary, though indirectly. Mary manages to get hold of Ib's rose and Garry, being the knight in shining armour and big brother figure, decides to trade his rose for Ib's rose. Thus, Mary runs of with Garry's rose. Knowing that only 2 people can get out of the dark world, Mary decides to kill of Garry by plucking out the petals of his rose. Garry becomes weak in the process and almost collapses before assuring Ib that he will catch up with her after telling her to move on first. You manage to find the large mural again, and this time, the mural depicts the museum from the real world. You jump into the mural and is transported back to the real world. Mary tags along and when you wake up, you find out that Mary has become your sister. You had no memory of what happened in the dark world and it is questionable whether Mary remembers. After all, it was her plot to go to the real world... What happens to Garry? Well, he's trapped there in the dark world... forever.

Another one is that you have chosen neither. Garry dies, just like the previous ending, but Mary also dies. Just like I have said, Mary is a painting and she dies because you decided to burn down her painting. She disappears and you found the mural and was transported back to the real world. You had no memory of what happened. As you exit the museum after reuniting with your parents, you noticed a painting. It depicted a sleeping Garry (presumably dead) and the name of the painting is "Forgotten protrait". Hmm.. well yeah...

Well, if you choose Garry, then you can have the normal ending or the Happy ending. The normal ending is when Garry doesn't die because of Mary and you both burn down Mary's paining. Both of you jump into the mural and get back to the real world. One difference is that after burning the painting, if you're close enough to Garry, Ib will have the option to offer Garry a handkerchief since he was injured by the shattered glass. If Ib gave the handkerchief, then in the real world, Ib will find Garry looking at an exhibition and they will converse. He seems unable to remember anything that has happened in the dark world, but he finds Ib's handkerchief and has a flashback of their time together. They remember each other and there will be a "Promise of Reunion". If they are not close enough,  Ib will not be able to offer the handkerchief and although they get back into the real world, it seems neither remembers each other and neither meets each other again.

There will be an ending that you get stuck in the dark world forever too, this time, definitely alone. You might have burned Mary's painting and Garry's alive, but Garry jumps into the painting first and Ib sees illusions of her mother and Garry (not inside mural). If Ib doesn't jump into the mural and choose to go with the mother or "Garry", she will be trapped in the dark world.


This game has left me utterly speechless, really. I can't believe such a game has such an effect on me. It feels like a psychological thing, to have to make a decision whether to choose Mary or Garry. Initially, I didn't really like Mary because I thought of her as a selfish bitch. But really, she was just lonely. Imagine having a soul and being trapped there for so long... Besides, you can't have both of them too. It's either Garry or Mary. I personally think that the relationship between Garry and Ib is the cutest thing ever. It's almost like having someone to share your fear during the game. Although Garry is not real, he kinda provides you this comfort that you are not alone. I don't know how to put things in words, but it's just that this game makes you feel so bad. Of course, you'll curse yourself if you get the ending where Ib's all alone in the dark world, but saving one means abandoning the other. You save Mary and Garry dies. You save Garry and Mary has to go. You save nobody but yourself and you end up feeling devastated upon seeing the "Forgotten Portrait". Life's not fair, but at least this RPG had a good plot and characterisation. They also offered a Happy ending between Ib and Garry. Logically, that's how it should be, because Garry belongs in this world, not Mary. I really loved the game. It's dark, but beautiful, and the soundtracks are beautiful too. Playing the game and reaching the credits really feels like eating bittersweet chocolate. It's so beautiful but you can't help hope for a better ending though the sadness and melancholy is the source of its unique beauty. You wish to relieve all your good times while playing the game, although there are times when the jump scares scares the shit out of you. It's also like finishing a good romance book. If you don't know how that feels like, get your ass to the library and do some soul-searching, the book style. :)

That's all for part 1 of this Marathon post. Will post some pictures below: (click to enlarge)

This is a rather carefree picture of our trio. The blondie's Mary, the dude's Garry and Ib's the brown-haired heroine. Do you see the mannequin heads, bodies and paintings? They were the things that came alive and started chasing you around during the game. Amazing fanart, BTW

This echoes what I'm feeling right now... j.j

My thoughts exactly.

Totally hit the nail on the head.

Ahaha epic picture XD

"Promise of Reunion"

Anyways, I shall retire for the day now. I wanna do the other RPGs soon too.
<3 ミライ

<3 Mirai

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Silver Wings Course

Hey Hey <3

Umm... IDK why, I just can't think of anything funny, unlike Holly. She posts such random stuff and such random memes and it makes it overall funny. But I can't do it.... :( I only post boring stuff about my life. :O Why isn't my life like a drama????

Anyway, on Monday (hmm... today's Thursday? I don't know...) and Tuesday, our CCA batch had a Silver Wings Course. Basically its a course which teaches us about the RSAF, Republic of Singapore Air Force, since we are NCC Air~

It was like 2 days of lecture, but it wasn't that boring. They taught us about the history of RSAF, which I quite like because I like things regarding history, literature etc. Then they taught us about the different aircraft and planes that the RSAF used, the different vocations in the RSAF, OOTW etc. There wasn't anything particularly interesting. We spent most of our time chatting in between lectures and taking down notes and listening to Holly talk about inappropriate stuff. Too bad if you haven't found Holly's blog, but if you read it, you'd know she isn't as innocent as she is in school... She'd talk about guys like any other girl would, but I tell you, she keeps naming guys whom she thinks are cute, but not as much to me. I mean, guys like Chace Crawford are pretty cute, but Channing Tatum? I'm not saying he's ugly or anything but Holly thinks he is easy on the eyes. What about Zac Efron? She thinks he's fairly cute, I think he's okay. Maybe it's just me, lol.

Holly was speaking about random stuff that made me and Jomma (LOL remember Jomma? J+Momma)  feel so awkward and embarrassed around her. Haizzz, Holly, please practice self control... I don't even wanna talk about what she said... Anyway, we were making plans to have a batch outing, LOL, but we still don't know when and where we can do it. LOL puh-lease it's the June holidays here in Singapore and we can basically go out even on the weekdays when there isn't school, so I don't even wanna know why some of us wanted to go for batch outing only near the end of holidays. :( I want to go for batch outing soon! Okay, I'll post a discussion on our facebook page soon.. We were planning on baking macaroons~~~ Pink ones to be exact because PINK macaroons are the best!!! I wonder if Jomma will mind, lol, since she is so health conscious, just like my Mummy. :D The macaroon biscuits are gonna be sweet and the filling... I was thinking of raspberry buttercream... The colour scheme kinda reminds me of my blog, doesn't it?

Macaroons~~~~ I wonder if it will be a success? I found a Youtube video on the tutorial. Here it is:

Doesn't it look good? Holly look here!!!
I wonder where we can purchase almond flour...

Anyway, back to the Silver Wings course. As you probably know, the course is 2 days long. On the first day, it was kinda short since the remaining of the time, we went to the Air Force Museum!! It was pretty cool, but kinda sad because we stupid girls didn't discover the route to the 2nd floor gallery until we had like, only 15 minutes left? It was dumb because some of us wasted 5 minutes hesitating whether we could go up on the second floor. LOL we only made up our mind to go up when we saw other Air people exiting. We walked around with Holly taking random pictures and cooing, "So coool~~ I wanna take picture!" Basically, the Air Force Museum is where we took our first batch picture!! Kaylisson posted it on Facebook. I looked totally awkward. Haha, we kinda decided to bond more with Kaylisson, and I think that Kaylisson is closer to us now, somehow. If not, I sure do hope she gets closer to us. Anyway here it is:

Hehe, I'll never show my face.

Haha, I sure hope I trolled you. :P
Anyway, we had an overall test on the second day. IT wasn't too hard, but I can't say I'm too confident about the section on vocations. Anyway, the lecture was pretty confusing as in the roles are somehow mixed, like the one handling the weapons wasn't the weapons officer or something. Hmmm....

LOL, I decided to update cause I had nothing in particular to do and therefore decided I should pen this experience down so that I can reminisce about it sometime later. :P

Anyway, I hope I can pass the test and get my Silver Wings badge!!!

Oh yes, I'm in love with these songs and have been listening to them again and again, hopefully I don't get too bored with them. The songs are Heart Attack by Demi Lovato and a Japanese song called The Lost One's Weeping ( ロストワンの号哭)ver. Dasoku. I really like this girl's English cover too. 

This girl's voice is so awesome! Such a wonderful song too!! But I felt she should have more control too. :) Good Job!!

This is Dasoku's version. <33 Yay Dasoku! I love his vibrato and lazy sounding voice and the way guys try to hit the high notes.

This is the original song sung by a Vocaloid called Rin. OMG dont' get me started on Vocaloids! I can dedicate one blog post just for them. And yes, it is an artificial voice, but the writers of the song put in a lot of effort, okay? I bet she sings better than most of the artists we find today.

Last but not least, Demi Lovato!!! Her singing is so passionate!!

Byes for now!!


Tuesday 4 June 2013

Universal Studios Singapore

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I went to Universal Studios Singapore last week~ (Haha, yeah last week, but only a post this week.) I went for a second time since 2 years ago. I tell ya, it was damn fulfilling for me. I attempted all the scary rides. :P

Anyway, we woke up super early, like 7am on a Sunday morning? We went to pick up my uncle and 7-year-old cousin (we had 6 tickets) and we ate breakfast. I didn't eat a lot because I wasn't exactly hungry. We ate kuay chap. The kuay chap uncle gave us so much it was as if he couldn't finish selling them. Anyway, we set off and arrived at USS quite early, but still not early as some other kiasu people. Anyway, the first thing I did was run and grab the map, lol.

The first ride we took was the Transformers. My cousin wanted to go on that new ride and we were like, okay whatever. There was like this long line of people wanting to go on it, and honestly speaking, it didn't look that bad and I didn't mind waiting. However, there was this announcement: Dear recruits, in order to make your journey to evacuate the allspark, there will be a minor delay. Thank you for volunteering on this mission. So we were all like: ughhhhh =.= and my cousin was like, "Jie Jie what happen?"

Me: "There will be a delay."
Cousin: "Huh?"
Me: "There will be a delay."
Cousin: "What is a delay? ._."
Me: "Uhm... Aiya, means you have to wait."
Cousin: "TnT Wait how long?"
Me: "I dunno."

Anyway, we managed to get on the ride and IT. WAS. AWESOME! You have to put on this 3D glasses and you basically get into this 'car' and the car will move around, like shake (not so violently) and it feels like you're travelling around in Evac, (well, technically, you are travelling in Evac) dodging attacks and ramming through office buildings and falling and being saved by Bumblebee~ <3 Anyway it was like an adventure and you're flying in midair. The car will move around, like lift itself and when you focus on the big 3D screen thinghy, you will feel like you're actually feeling the real thing. Like, when glass shards are thrown at you, you actually have the instinct to cover your face and when there was this fireball aimed at us, I felt like dodging it and there was this huge gust of hot air blowing at us it felt so REAL.

Is what I'm talking about.

Anyway, can't remember what we went on next. =.= I think we went for this live performance. It was bloody irritating. We went there, and since it was a water show, we picked our seat (the safe zone to avoid getting splashed by water) and there was this bunch of guys playing around spraying the crowd in the wet zone with water. LOL I still remember the announcement saying:

Good afternoon visitors, welcome to the Water Show! Please find your seats. For visitors sitting in the wet zone, you WILL get wet, and possibly soaked and visitors sitting in the splash zone will be getting a little wet. Therefore, please sit according to your preference. We will be starting shortly. Thank you.

Anyways, it was this cute little show and (hint: competition) going on and if you wanna find our more, go to USS now. Lol Singapore tourism propaganda. Anyway, the show was bloody awesome. Lots of special effects, though they can be quite loud at times.

BUT, when we went there, they sky started to look real bad and they made an announcement like "Sorry, due to inclement weather, we are unable to estimate when the show will go on. However, if there is any further improvement, we will inform you. Sorry for the inconvenience caused." But you know what? My family was like, screw it! WE. SHALL. WAIT~! So we waited for like 30 minutes in the amphitheatre. Then there was this guy who came up to us and said there was another show at 3pm. So we left.

Anyway the weather was damn bad. All the outdoor rides were halted temporarily. So we went to seek refuge in a pizza parlour and we ate. Then the weather became good. Anyway, if you're wondering why I knew the show was nice, I'll tell you later, lol.

Aaaaaanyway, after eating we walked around as there was some time before it was 3. So we went on this super super fun ride called the Accelerator. (Note the sarcasm). We spun round and round and round and honestly I wasn't really dizzy. The ride was simply not challenging enough. My cousin wanted to go on it so I kinda had to since my uncle did not want to. LOL he got super dizzy the last time he rode that. Anyway, we were the last vehicle (LOL?) to stop spinning as my cousin wouldn't stop spinning the centre thing that makes the overall vehicle spin. HAHA the control people and to activate the brakes. :P

Looks challenging and fun, right? Nah. ;v;

Anyway, after that, we went to see the show at the Lost World. Anyway, the sky looked kinda good, you know? So we entered and sat at the same spot, lol. Andddd we waited. You'd think we watched it this time, huh? The answer is no.





Anyway, we waited for half an hour again. LOL. And then we left and went to the indoor rides, one of them being Shrek's 3D Adventure. It was cute, really, but I watched it like 3 times? LOL I anticipated the part when Shrek threw a bunch of spiders at our feet and there were things down the seats which sprung up and scared the shit out of everyone, except me. :) I lifted my legs lol. 

The weather was well again and I went out and tackled the Battlestar Galactica! I went on Cylon, you know. The scarier one. :) It was so fun! *Squeals* Basically, like any other roller coasters, you ascend, but this one ascends slowly and suddenly picks up speed and then you whoosh down. When whooshing down, or like one second before you whoosh down, you better take a deep breath. Cause you can't freaking breathe when you actually whoosh down. I learnt it the hard way. :( I wanted the scream, but I couldn't. I don't even know how the other people manage to scream. I open my mouth and there was the huge gust of air coming at your face and since I couldn't scream, I figured I could just breathe, but no. I couldn't breathe and when we finished whooshing down, I thought I could take a breath, which I did, but suddenly you are going through corkscrews and 360 deg. turns like 5 times? You feel like you're gonna fall off your seat and it doesn't help that your feet are dangling in the air?! But it was so fun. You know, when it's gonna be your turn on the roller coaster, you feel so damn nervous? And then you see the people getting on and they're so nervous and some people are like praying or closing their eyes and breathing really hard. Then they shoot off and within a minute, they are back going like WOOHOO AWW YEAH! For me, it was like, OMG I'm regretting coming on this thing. And when the ride finishes, I feel so wasted and just laughing there like, OMG I can't believe I been through that. 

Haha LOL. Then we went for some pathetic parade, like, it really was bad. Like nothing flamboyant, nothing too special, except for the random vehicles which spray water at you. LOL and the random parade people especially those who are part of the Ancient Egypt gang and they jump at you and scare you, lol. After it, we practically rushed to the watch the show. Which fortunately did go on. YAY!

After that, we only had time to go for one last ride since it was close to 7pm. My father and I went on the Human coaster since we thought it would not be complete if we didn't go on the Human coaster after going on Cylon. So we went and it was not as exciting as Cylon but nevertheless a good experience. LOL. My brother and cousin suddenly said they want to go on The Revenge of the Mummy. I was surprised, since my mother wanted to go on it too. LOL She never went on any roller coasters before. My cousin chickened out before and didn't want to go on it because he though it was scary and even though I said it wasn't scary (LOL I went on it before Hihihihihihihi), he didn't believe me. But we were too late. BooHoo~ Too bad. My parents said when my cousins from Malaysia come over, my brother and I will be going back again. YAY! Totally looking forward to going there a third time. 

Booyeah! Cyon!

Anyways, something random for you guys. LOL

I opened a bad of potato chips and this is what I see.

Yeah JACK N JILL, you tell me!

Byes, lol this is a super long post. Gonna check out Holly's blog now. :P

<3 Mirai