Tuesday 4 June 2013

Universal Studios Singapore

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I went to Universal Studios Singapore last week~ (Haha, yeah last week, but only a post this week.) I went for a second time since 2 years ago. I tell ya, it was damn fulfilling for me. I attempted all the scary rides. :P

Anyway, we woke up super early, like 7am on a Sunday morning? We went to pick up my uncle and 7-year-old cousin (we had 6 tickets) and we ate breakfast. I didn't eat a lot because I wasn't exactly hungry. We ate kuay chap. The kuay chap uncle gave us so much it was as if he couldn't finish selling them. Anyway, we set off and arrived at USS quite early, but still not early as some other kiasu people. Anyway, the first thing I did was run and grab the map, lol.

The first ride we took was the Transformers. My cousin wanted to go on that new ride and we were like, okay whatever. There was like this long line of people wanting to go on it, and honestly speaking, it didn't look that bad and I didn't mind waiting. However, there was this announcement: Dear recruits, in order to make your journey to evacuate the allspark, there will be a minor delay. Thank you for volunteering on this mission. So we were all like: ughhhhh =.= and my cousin was like, "Jie Jie what happen?"

Me: "There will be a delay."
Cousin: "Huh?"
Me: "There will be a delay."
Cousin: "What is a delay? ._."
Me: "Uhm... Aiya, means you have to wait."
Cousin: "TnT Wait how long?"
Me: "I dunno."

Anyway, we managed to get on the ride and IT. WAS. AWESOME! You have to put on this 3D glasses and you basically get into this 'car' and the car will move around, like shake (not so violently) and it feels like you're travelling around in Evac, (well, technically, you are travelling in Evac) dodging attacks and ramming through office buildings and falling and being saved by Bumblebee~ <3 Anyway it was like an adventure and you're flying in midair. The car will move around, like lift itself and when you focus on the big 3D screen thinghy, you will feel like you're actually feeling the real thing. Like, when glass shards are thrown at you, you actually have the instinct to cover your face and when there was this fireball aimed at us, I felt like dodging it and there was this huge gust of hot air blowing at us it felt so REAL.

Is what I'm talking about.

Anyway, can't remember what we went on next. =.= I think we went for this live performance. It was bloody irritating. We went there, and since it was a water show, we picked our seat (the safe zone to avoid getting splashed by water) and there was this bunch of guys playing around spraying the crowd in the wet zone with water. LOL I still remember the announcement saying:

Good afternoon visitors, welcome to the Water Show! Please find your seats. For visitors sitting in the wet zone, you WILL get wet, and possibly soaked and visitors sitting in the splash zone will be getting a little wet. Therefore, please sit according to your preference. We will be starting shortly. Thank you.

Anyways, it was this cute little show and (hint: competition) going on and if you wanna find our more, go to USS now. Lol Singapore tourism propaganda. Anyway, the show was bloody awesome. Lots of special effects, though they can be quite loud at times.

BUT, when we went there, they sky started to look real bad and they made an announcement like "Sorry, due to inclement weather, we are unable to estimate when the show will go on. However, if there is any further improvement, we will inform you. Sorry for the inconvenience caused." But you know what? My family was like, screw it! WE. SHALL. WAIT~! So we waited for like 30 minutes in the amphitheatre. Then there was this guy who came up to us and said there was another show at 3pm. So we left.

Anyway the weather was damn bad. All the outdoor rides were halted temporarily. So we went to seek refuge in a pizza parlour and we ate. Then the weather became good. Anyway, if you're wondering why I knew the show was nice, I'll tell you later, lol.

Aaaaaanyway, after eating we walked around as there was some time before it was 3. So we went on this super super fun ride called the Accelerator. (Note the sarcasm). We spun round and round and round and honestly I wasn't really dizzy. The ride was simply not challenging enough. My cousin wanted to go on it so I kinda had to since my uncle did not want to. LOL he got super dizzy the last time he rode that. Anyway, we were the last vehicle (LOL?) to stop spinning as my cousin wouldn't stop spinning the centre thing that makes the overall vehicle spin. HAHA the control people and to activate the brakes. :P

Looks challenging and fun, right? Nah. ;v;

Anyway, after that, we went to see the show at the Lost World. Anyway, the sky looked kinda good, you know? So we entered and sat at the same spot, lol. Andddd we waited. You'd think we watched it this time, huh? The answer is no.





Anyway, we waited for half an hour again. LOL. And then we left and went to the indoor rides, one of them being Shrek's 3D Adventure. It was cute, really, but I watched it like 3 times? LOL I anticipated the part when Shrek threw a bunch of spiders at our feet and there were things down the seats which sprung up and scared the shit out of everyone, except me. :) I lifted my legs lol. 

The weather was well again and I went out and tackled the Battlestar Galactica! I went on Cylon, you know. The scarier one. :) It was so fun! *Squeals* Basically, like any other roller coasters, you ascend, but this one ascends slowly and suddenly picks up speed and then you whoosh down. When whooshing down, or like one second before you whoosh down, you better take a deep breath. Cause you can't freaking breathe when you actually whoosh down. I learnt it the hard way. :( I wanted the scream, but I couldn't. I don't even know how the other people manage to scream. I open my mouth and there was the huge gust of air coming at your face and since I couldn't scream, I figured I could just breathe, but no. I couldn't breathe and when we finished whooshing down, I thought I could take a breath, which I did, but suddenly you are going through corkscrews and 360 deg. turns like 5 times? You feel like you're gonna fall off your seat and it doesn't help that your feet are dangling in the air?! But it was so fun. You know, when it's gonna be your turn on the roller coaster, you feel so damn nervous? And then you see the people getting on and they're so nervous and some people are like praying or closing their eyes and breathing really hard. Then they shoot off and within a minute, they are back going like WOOHOO AWW YEAH! For me, it was like, OMG I'm regretting coming on this thing. And when the ride finishes, I feel so wasted and just laughing there like, OMG I can't believe I been through that. 

Haha LOL. Then we went for some pathetic parade, like, it really was bad. Like nothing flamboyant, nothing too special, except for the random vehicles which spray water at you. LOL and the random parade people especially those who are part of the Ancient Egypt gang and they jump at you and scare you, lol. After it, we practically rushed to the watch the show. Which fortunately did go on. YAY!

After that, we only had time to go for one last ride since it was close to 7pm. My father and I went on the Human coaster since we thought it would not be complete if we didn't go on the Human coaster after going on Cylon. So we went and it was not as exciting as Cylon but nevertheless a good experience. LOL. My brother and cousin suddenly said they want to go on The Revenge of the Mummy. I was surprised, since my mother wanted to go on it too. LOL She never went on any roller coasters before. My cousin chickened out before and didn't want to go on it because he though it was scary and even though I said it wasn't scary (LOL I went on it before Hihihihihihihi), he didn't believe me. But we were too late. BooHoo~ Too bad. My parents said when my cousins from Malaysia come over, my brother and I will be going back again. YAY! Totally looking forward to going there a third time. 

Booyeah! Cyon!

Anyways, something random for you guys. LOL

I opened a bad of potato chips and this is what I see.

Yeah JACK N JILL, you tell me!

Byes, lol this is a super long post. Gonna check out Holly's blog now. :P

<3 Mirai

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