Wednesday 12 June 2013

Silver Wings Course

Hey Hey <3

Umm... IDK why, I just can't think of anything funny, unlike Holly. She posts such random stuff and such random memes and it makes it overall funny. But I can't do it.... :( I only post boring stuff about my life. :O Why isn't my life like a drama????

Anyway, on Monday (hmm... today's Thursday? I don't know...) and Tuesday, our CCA batch had a Silver Wings Course. Basically its a course which teaches us about the RSAF, Republic of Singapore Air Force, since we are NCC Air~

It was like 2 days of lecture, but it wasn't that boring. They taught us about the history of RSAF, which I quite like because I like things regarding history, literature etc. Then they taught us about the different aircraft and planes that the RSAF used, the different vocations in the RSAF, OOTW etc. There wasn't anything particularly interesting. We spent most of our time chatting in between lectures and taking down notes and listening to Holly talk about inappropriate stuff. Too bad if you haven't found Holly's blog, but if you read it, you'd know she isn't as innocent as she is in school... She'd talk about guys like any other girl would, but I tell you, she keeps naming guys whom she thinks are cute, but not as much to me. I mean, guys like Chace Crawford are pretty cute, but Channing Tatum? I'm not saying he's ugly or anything but Holly thinks he is easy on the eyes. What about Zac Efron? She thinks he's fairly cute, I think he's okay. Maybe it's just me, lol.

Holly was speaking about random stuff that made me and Jomma (LOL remember Jomma? J+Momma)  feel so awkward and embarrassed around her. Haizzz, Holly, please practice self control... I don't even wanna talk about what she said... Anyway, we were making plans to have a batch outing, LOL, but we still don't know when and where we can do it. LOL puh-lease it's the June holidays here in Singapore and we can basically go out even on the weekdays when there isn't school, so I don't even wanna know why some of us wanted to go for batch outing only near the end of holidays. :( I want to go for batch outing soon! Okay, I'll post a discussion on our facebook page soon.. We were planning on baking macaroons~~~ Pink ones to be exact because PINK macaroons are the best!!! I wonder if Jomma will mind, lol, since she is so health conscious, just like my Mummy. :D The macaroon biscuits are gonna be sweet and the filling... I was thinking of raspberry buttercream... The colour scheme kinda reminds me of my blog, doesn't it?

Macaroons~~~~ I wonder if it will be a success? I found a Youtube video on the tutorial. Here it is:

Doesn't it look good? Holly look here!!!
I wonder where we can purchase almond flour...

Anyway, back to the Silver Wings course. As you probably know, the course is 2 days long. On the first day, it was kinda short since the remaining of the time, we went to the Air Force Museum!! It was pretty cool, but kinda sad because we stupid girls didn't discover the route to the 2nd floor gallery until we had like, only 15 minutes left? It was dumb because some of us wasted 5 minutes hesitating whether we could go up on the second floor. LOL we only made up our mind to go up when we saw other Air people exiting. We walked around with Holly taking random pictures and cooing, "So coool~~ I wanna take picture!" Basically, the Air Force Museum is where we took our first batch picture!! Kaylisson posted it on Facebook. I looked totally awkward. Haha, we kinda decided to bond more with Kaylisson, and I think that Kaylisson is closer to us now, somehow. If not, I sure do hope she gets closer to us. Anyway here it is:

Hehe, I'll never show my face.

Haha, I sure hope I trolled you. :P
Anyway, we had an overall test on the second day. IT wasn't too hard, but I can't say I'm too confident about the section on vocations. Anyway, the lecture was pretty confusing as in the roles are somehow mixed, like the one handling the weapons wasn't the weapons officer or something. Hmmm....

LOL, I decided to update cause I had nothing in particular to do and therefore decided I should pen this experience down so that I can reminisce about it sometime later. :P

Anyway, I hope I can pass the test and get my Silver Wings badge!!!

Oh yes, I'm in love with these songs and have been listening to them again and again, hopefully I don't get too bored with them. The songs are Heart Attack by Demi Lovato and a Japanese song called The Lost One's Weeping ( ロストワンの号哭)ver. Dasoku. I really like this girl's English cover too. 

This girl's voice is so awesome! Such a wonderful song too!! But I felt she should have more control too. :) Good Job!!

This is Dasoku's version. <33 Yay Dasoku! I love his vibrato and lazy sounding voice and the way guys try to hit the high notes.

This is the original song sung by a Vocaloid called Rin. OMG dont' get me started on Vocaloids! I can dedicate one blog post just for them. And yes, it is an artificial voice, but the writers of the song put in a lot of effort, okay? I bet she sings better than most of the artists we find today.

Last but not least, Demi Lovato!!! Her singing is so passionate!!

Byes for now!!


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