Tuesday 3 December 2013

End of Year - Holidays and other activities!!


I've been feeling so lazy nowadays. I didn't even get into the mood to update my blog, well mainly because I felt like I have nothing significant enough to blog about. It's just normal life. Some people just have a wonderful social life while I'm just sitting here and being like, "Yay! I got an achievement in Tetris Battle!!" <Talking about Tetris Battle, I kinda hate it a lot now. Well, not just now, but since the time they had this major update that decreased everyone's energy down to 30. (Note: It requires 5 energy to play one game.) I used to have around 100+? I would play it all day and not get tired of it. Now what? We get to play only 6 games and THAT IS NOT ENOUGH! Seriously? After that, we may get free energy, that is when we watch boring advertisements (Singapore propaganda about keeping the earth clean and what shit.) Freaking 5 minutes about this Malay chick singing, which isn't all that bad, but it's not catchy at all! It's so repetitive and they have random raps and all. UGH! Anyway, I have steered off the topic once again, but then again, don't all of my posts usually do? ;)

Anyway, the school holidays have started a long time ago, I can't even remember when. All I remember was sitting under the sun in the amphitheatre and watching performances. Yep, that was the Y4 Graduation concert. It wasn't really spectacular as I wished it would be, but hey, it's something!! And then, I remember packing all my books into my bag (from my locker) and then I would discover that my locker is 70% filled with Chinese newspaper which I have payed for, but have not read a single one of them. Okay, maybe I read the dou hao but that's it. I wonder if the school could make buying the Chinese newspaper optional. That way, people like me who is just taking Higher Chinese to escape the hell it brings in JC, will not waste money and instead use the money for greater purposes. :)

Other than that, I don't remember much about the things I did just before the holidays ended. I just remembered that we had a NCC competition. (2, actually.) Holly and I participated in the Air competition which I am confident to say I am probably the person who sucked the most in the competition. It was so discomforting and annoying and so utterly painful to know that I am nowhere close to all the aeromodellers that our CCA has produced over the years. Oh, I'd rather not talk about it. I blog about things that I would want to remember in the future when I re-read this blog again. I'd bet my life I would never forget what happened on that day. j.j

The other competition was the Orienteering competition. We didn't win. End of Story. I blame it on myself. I couldn't run fast enough, couldn't run long enough, couldn't resist the urge to drink water and thus have stitches. I mugged for the theory part, but I think that was all. I never thought it would be so hard to run in our No.4 uniform. They always say, "Expect the unexpected." Clearly, I didn't do any of that. I could see that we have disappointed the seniors. They put in so much effort for us... All the trainings, all the exercises to get us used to navigating with a compass... Frankly speaking, the theory was the only aspect I was confident in, except for 1 question. :P I was hoping it would rain on that day so that the scores and the winners would be based on the theory test. Haha, Holly and Jomma, now you know what I was thinking deep inside. But then, luck had wore itself out. It did rain, but it stopped just in time for us to participate in the competition. Not only were the grounds wet and muddy, we were treading on marsh 90% of the time. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but whatevs. The running? It was horrible. UGH.

Air Competition

I did say I won't talk about it, but just for remembrance sake. (My mind has gone completely nuts. Maybe I'm secretly masochistic, causing the future me distinct pain when she reads this post in the future.) So the day started out ok, (if 'ok' is the word you use to describe a major case of nerves.) and my dad drove me to the HQ. <So that I don't have to deal with the judging stares of the people in public transport, who obviously had no idea that girls could join NCC. I met with my seniors and juniors and Holly. When everyone was present, we proceeded to check into HQ. However, it turns out we didn't prepare a nominal roll and the seniors were frantically calling our seniors and Teacher Officers for help. Our ma'ams came but in the end we still could not go in haha. I don't know what we did in the end, but it ended with the ma'am taking down our names and IC number and we were thus able to get in.

For Holly and I, our competition requirement was to fly a circuit and land in a spot that was marked out on the ground. Let's just say that we weren't adequately prepared and we screwed up terribly. It didn't help that we were the second (?) school to participate and that we entered late to have a decent amount of time calming our nerves? This may sound like an excuse, but I was really nervous. The Sir who was assessing us was this scary sir, haha. OMG did I just put a 'haha' there? Anyway, that sir wasn't scary as in looks or anything, but you just get this scary vibe from him. IDK how to elaborate further on that. =.="

Anyway, both Holly and I screwed up badly. But then again, even the seniors did badly. :P Can't blame us~~ We only started training 1 week before the competition, and I think we only had 2 trainings? And the 2 trainings ended quickly mainly because we crashed the plane really quickly. How did Holly and I screw up, you ask? We had 2 tries each and well, I think for the first try, Holly's plane got stuck in the tree and mine flew into some mysterious place, which was fortunately retrieved in the end. Holly's plane wasn't that lucky. It rained and we couldn't get the plane down from the tree in the end. For the second try, mine crashed into the Flying Fox Tower. j.j Holly, well, I'll leave it to her to say what happened. Later, when one of my seniors and our Teacher officer went to retrieve my plane, (well, technically it isn't mine. It belongs to the school.) we found the plane, but some things were missing. I can't remember what they were, but they were the things you'd find in the plane, together with all the batteries and stuff. It didn't appear as if they had broken off and fallen somewhere due to the force when I crashed the plane. (Still guilty about that.) It was obvious someone just took them... D: We didn't find out who they were, (I don't think we need to) but most importantly, we didn't get back everything that we lost. Sure, we got back out battery, but we were still missing something. Haizz..

That's it about the Air competition, I think? Basically, Holly and I crashed our planes and just sat there waiting for other schools to finish and occasionally watching other schools fly their plane. The ACS(I) people and the Catholic High people were crazy good. They were awesome at the Limbo. And here I am, crashing planes into things and making them disappear into god-knows-where with little to no effort. I might as well be a magician. =.= Life sucks. I try not to remember that our CCA is merging with NCC Land. But it comes back and I'm stuck between sucking it all up and going through with the plans that the school has had the final say in, or leaving the CCA while feelings of betrayal consumes me from within. Will I be an empty shell in the end? Maybe merging isn't that bad. Maybe there is a way where everyone can be happy, but like Jomma said, no one's happy about this. Not even the Landers. Stop it, Mirai, stop it. You're getting angsty.

"伤心的人不要听慢歌", so here I am, listening to songs bursting with passion and possibly making lyrics videos out of them and putting them to YouTube. :P


On a lighter note, I emphasise that the holidays are already here and is going to end really soon if I don't gather all my energy and do what I want in the meantime. But then, I'm an unsociable slug who doesn't exercise and eats chocolate and stays in her bubble of happiness which actually is a "bubble of denial" in disguise.

I don't think anyone will be able to life me up,  just saying.

My life: I go on Facebook and stalk people by looking at their photos and cry over the fact that they go to parties and I go to literally none except to that one birthday party of this guy, (I think, or was it a girl?) whom I don't remember now, when I was 5. And may I politely add that my mom was with me? :) Oh and you know how the ALWAYS say that puberty will kick in and you can see "Puberty at its best"? People will grow up and their appealing features will enhance and their not-so-appealing features will fade away?? *cough cough* baby fat *cough cough* I see my friends look really pretty now even when they don't in the past and here I am looking through my past photos and gushing over how pretty I was. (Egoistic, I know, but note the 'WAS'. You may think of it as me trying to emphasise I look better when I was younger.) >:(

Me: Life's not fair. j.j
Life: I'm never fair, honey. Here, have some lemons. You may do anything you want with them, but you shall never make lemonade or anything because you've never learnt to do so, and because it's mainstream. Instead, you should just eat the lemons and let its acidity corrode you, cause you know? I can't give people lemons if they're just gonna destroy them and make sweet lemonade. Remember, honey, lemons are SOUR and they will NEVER be sweet!!! Suck it up and get used to it already!!
Me: Okai. j.j *cries even harder*


And that, my folks, is one of my biggest life lessons.


Movin' on~~ Okay, so I went to AFA 2013 in Singapore, which is Anime Festival Asia. This is one of the reasons why I love Singapore. It has a large anime fanbase (quite) and they allow AFA to be held here every year. <I'm hoping it will stay that way till the future. But since it's my first time going to AFA, (I know, I'm noob.) I didn't know which days were the optimal for merchandise hauling and therefore I was disappointed in the lack of merchandise left for me, haha. On the other hand, I'm still stuck in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn "era" and refused to acknowledge any other anime as the best. I wasn't prepared for the lack of KHR merch. I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THE HIBIRD BAG< OMG!! I'm regretting it now. j.j I mean, c'mon, it had a picture of chibi Hibari, for christ's sake! How can anything be more cute than that? And the bag was designed to be able to be folded into a Hibird for easy carrying and storage. :3 But then, it was expensive and impractical, so I didn't buy it. I wish I had. Anyway, i bought a Konata badge and some nendriods, since I'm not willing to actually buy figurines. I mean, sure, figurines are realistic and all, but nendriods are cuter and cheaper. :P

Since my first AFA experience was not all that great (because of me, not the organisers.), I shall not entertain you with my lack of input for this experience, lest I give you the impression that AFA is not enjoyable. AFA IS enjoyable! The only impression you should be leaving this blog post with, is that it is not advisable to go to AFA on the last day (which I foolishly did). There are amazing cosplayers and I bet there are amazing merchandise there that I probably missed. Look through other people's blog posts about AFA (which are definitely more detailed and filled with pics) and learn how to handle disappointment when all the goods that you want are sold out. Be prepared and stay tuned to the anime popular around that time. You'll be expecting lots of anime from that season and lesser from the older seasons, or should I say from the past years. *sob... KHR... sob* Anyway, I was in a frenzy and was hungrily soaking in every sight I could during AFA, that my pictures were sucky. Maybe if you go to my facebook profile, you'll see the pictures. But really, my camera's not sucky, it's just me in a rush that the pictures turned out blurry. I shall not embarrass myself here. There are people who lug around DXLRs and take good quality pictures so go see them.

Chibi Hibari and Hibird! <3 ASDJHGNS

I'm guessing this is a long-enough post to make up for my laziness over the holidays. I'm ending it here. Oh wait. Another thing I've been doing during the holidays is playing horror games. I know I have talked about playing RPG Horror games before, but this time, it's different! I discovered this wonderful YouTuber who ported many RPG Horror games for mac. Like I said before, macs are not game-friendly, such that games are usually made for Windows and hardly ever for Mac. Even if there are Mac games out there, they are usually made for Windows first. :( But this guy, he managed to make Windows games accessible to people with Macs like me. Unfortunately, there are people who are not able to open the games, haha, e.g. Jomma. I guess I'm lucky. Well, check out this guy's YouTube channel: Jammed Gears. :) There are tons of games there: The Mirror Lied, Ib, The Witch's House, Mad Father, Hello? Hell... o?, Mermaid Swamp and many others which are not horror, like True Remembrance, To The Moon etc.

I guess that's it, folks!!

Signing off,
Mirai <3

Confession: I like to think that I'm a blogger, but I'm not. #sadtruth This blog is more like an informal recount/rant about my life experiences, which isn't all that awesome. Not much pics, so don't expect much at all, and of course, don't be surprised when I actually put in something.

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