Tuesday 1 October 2013

I am going to hell for this...


I realised I am doomed. For my upcoming exams, for my life. I have tons of revision to do but scumbag brain decided I should draw after not touching the holy pencil for months... Why doomed for life then, you ask? Because I have utterly disgraced Suzumiya Haruhi-sama with my incompetence in drawing.

The beloved Haruhi-sama.

My crapped up version. I don't even know what compelled me to post this. 

Ugh... The hair. The HAIR!!! I can't-never should draw again. Holy pencil MY ASS you stupid brain! Anyway, here's bye for now. :3



P.S. Go check out Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon's video on the absurdity of the overuse of hashtags.
#funny #wecaaaan'tstop~~ #cookiemonster #nomnomnomnomnom

Smile, peeps!

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